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Person-Centered Approach

Talk therapy is a person-centered approach, in which the client does the majority of the talking. Your life coach will not judge or interpret what you say, but may ask you to repeat yourself to ensure that your thoughts and feelings are properly understood. The life coach serves as a passionate facilitator, listening without passing judgment and respecting the client's experience without diverting the conversation. The life coach's role is to encourage and assist the client while also guiding a therapeutic process without interfering with the client's self-discovery process. This service will tremendously assist anyone who would benefit from growing self-confidence, a greater sense of identity, and the ability to form healthy interpersonal relationships.
1:1 Coaching

Coaching sessions will always be targeted to your specific needs and will evolve over time. Your coaching sessions will eventually show what's preventing you from achieving your objectives. You will learn exactly what you need to do to overcome your mental and emotional blockages throughout your sessions with your coach. We'll concentrate on the topics you'd want to discuss, and you'll be given assignments to do. Each session is tailored to your individual needs, and you'll need to set aside time to put what we've come up with into practice. The goal is not to burden the client with work; however, it is to seamlessly integrate the tools that you gain from your session into your everyday life. 


Self-care is defined as the act of consciously protecting one's own health and pleasure. It can be any activity that brings us joy and helps us maintain our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Individuals practice self-care on a regular basis through food choices, exercise, and sleep. I will teach you about all areas of self-care, and how to activiely prioritize your own needs.

Grounding Techniques

Grounding is a particular type of coping mechanism that can assist a person in coping with traumatic memories or intense emotions. Grounding strategies are used to help people break away from bad thoughts and flashbacks. I will give you the tools to turn your attention away from the negative memories and bring yourself into contact with the present moment. 

Giving and Receiving Empathy

Discover how to connect with your own emotions as well as the emotions of others. Clients will learn how to enter another person's frame of reference in order to understand how they feel and why they see the world as they do. This will be accomplished by studying, listening to, and discussing feeling words. As a result of this mutual exchange of empathy, you and those you want to connect with will gain a deeper understanding and connection.

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